Visiting the Nature and Onsen and 33 Kannon in Okuaizu
- Southern area
- Western area

Visit 33 temples in the Okurairi region (containing Okuaizu and Minamiaizu area) and enjoy the nature and hot springs of Okuaizu on this one night, two day course.

10:00 Depart from Aizu-Tajima Station

10 min by car
Day 1
These 33 Kannon statues line an approximately 3 kilometer mountain road. They were carved over a period of 72 years, bringing many visitors to the area from long ago. It is said that traveling the length of this road brings one the same blessings as visiting the Saigoku 33 Kannon.

50 min by car
Day 1
Maezawa Village relays the history of Okuaizu. This settlement was started when Kokatsu Nyudo Takusai, a subordinate of Yamauchi Ujikatsu, the lord of Yokota Castle, moved to this area in the late 16th century. In addition to the L-shaped folk houses, there is a restored watermill and a museum that provides information on folk culture. The village received Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings certification from the Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2011. A soba restaurant called Sobadokoro Magariya near the entrance to Maezawa Magariya Village. (Closed in winter)

40 min by car
The 1st of Okurairi's 33 Kannon pilgrimage sites. A valuable building among medieval Buddhist architecture, this temple compromises between Japanese and Chinese styles.

10 min by car
A hotel located in the nature capital Tadami. Visitors can refresh their bodies and minds with the waters of Fukuzawa Onsen and food made with locally-sourced ingredients. Both the Toki no Yu and Sato no Yu baths are complete with open-air baths where bathers can enjoy a star-filled sky and food that cannot be found in the city.

40 min by car
Day 2
In Kaneyama Town, there is a natural carbonated water well, extremely rare in Japan. In the early Meiji period, it was sold as “Taiyosui”, and went on to even be exported to Europe in 1905. In recent years, it is sold as a product of the Harves corporation. The local people came together to form a preservation society that maintains the environment around the carbonated water. Visitors who make advance reservation can receive an explanation of the well. The yield is especially great in spring.

35 min by car
Hayato Onsen in Mishima Town is a leading medicinal spring in Japan that has been enjoyed as a spa by many people sine it opened 1,200 years ago. Tadamigawa River flows in great yield with 100% spring water beside the open-air bath, whose beautiful view is recommended to refresh your mind as well as your body.

25 min by car
Enzo-ji Temple is an ancient temple standing alongside the Tadamigawa River, which flows through Yanaizu Town. It is said to have been built by Tokuitsu, the Father of Aizu Buddhism. It is also said to be the birthplace of the traditional Aizu toy known as Akabeko. Legend says that when a great earthquake destroyed the temple’s main hall, a herd of red cattle appeared to help rebuild it, and the Akabeko(red cattle) toy based on them became a symbol of change, perseverance, and power in addition to bringing luck.

2 min by car

16:30 Arrive at Aizu-Yanaizu Station

Enjoy Aizu cuisine and visit the Korori Three Kannon. There is a belief in the Korori Three Kannon in Aizu, bringing many people who hope to have their prayers answered.

Visit the Kubota 33 Kannon in Yanaizu Town and enjoy the Center of Buddhism’s legend of Akabeko and the Okuaizu area.

Take a stroll through Ouchi-juku, a post town which retains the tastes of the Edo period, an visit the Nagata Saigoku 33 Kannon.

Visit 33 temples in the Okurairi region (containing Okuaizu and Minamiaizu area) and enjoy the nature and hot springs of Okuaizu on this one night, two day course.

A day trip to the Aizuwakamatsu area to lightly explore the Center of Buddhism.

A day trip to visit the natural scenery of Mount Bandai and the Inawashiro's 33 Kannon.

Visit the mysterious Sazae-do Hall, which has separate paths leading up and down,...

Enjoy the beautiful views of the JR Tadami Line and visit a Japan Heritage, then ride the Liberty Aizu to Asakusa,Tokyo on this one night, two day course.